What's the merit of NUST since 2011 ??
Hello all my dear fellows, this complete note will let you know about following things.
- How merit of NUST is changing since 2011?
- Which fields remains on top in NUST merit?
- What should be your preferences?
- Due to which reasons merit of one field becomes higher than rest.
As you all know about NUST and how much popular It became in recent few years. It's quality of education, standard and ranking is exponentially increasing day by day. This is because of best administration, best leadership. No quotta system, no rigging in selection criteria. They do everything to get student's interest in NUST, their trust and to facilitate them. NUST is improving its quality of education and standards to provide its students best environment for studies.
Now an important thing is NUST merit. Not every student who apply for NUST get selected. In 2011 following were the closing merits of each field in NUST:-
Now comes the closing merits of 2012 :-
Closing merits of NUST 2013:-
Now comes the closing merits of last year that is 2014:-
Closing merits in 2015:-

So as you have seen in the above merit lists, in 2011 merit of NUST CEME's EE and ME was on top than SEECS and SMME. In the same preceding year after that same thing repeated.
Again NUST EME's Electrical and Mechanical remained on top.
Then a change in merit of NUST was observed in 2013 . Electrical Engineering of EME NUST remained on top since NUST came into being until 2014 . But mechanical engineering of SMME H12 got 2nd position in merit. Previously merit of EME Mechanical was more than SMME. In 2014 merit a further trends in merit were different. People started preferring H12 more than C&EME. Merit of mechanical engineering SMME got 1st position while mechanical engineering EME was on 2nd number in merit. On 3rd position there was SEECS EE and on 4th EE EME. In 2015 same trend repeated like that of 2014 and mechanical engineering SMME and electrical engineering SEECS maintained top two positions in merit.
If you want to get enrolled in SMME put that on your first prefernce, i.e don't think that I will select civil as first then i'll go to SMME if I'll not get into civil. No this isn't a viable approach. If you love SMME put it on your first preference and if SEECS put it on first preference in application form of NUST. I mean whichever field you love and you want to go in that put that on your first preference. I saw people in NUST with merit# 138, 255 they are in NICE or SEECs but they wanted to go in SMME, just because of the little mistake that they selected SEECs or NICE on their first preference and SMME on 2nd. When they got in SMME they felt relaxed but later they were upgraded in SEECS or NICE and they didn't even know that. Now I want all of you to be careful about this and feel responsible while selecting preferences.
-- Regards: FUNG Entry Test team
Plz tell me what these abbreviations stand for like SMME and others