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Friday 10 July 2015

Exam After Exams-Entrance Test (By NET topper)

After toiling for two years, struggling to get good grades, one naturally longs for some relief. But its kinda astonishing  when you realize that its not all done yet. The mighty Entrance Test remains, and all you have done can go to dogs if you don't perform well in the entrance test

Since in most of the universities (except U.E.T) the percentage of entrance test is more than F.Sc/Matric, Entrance Test may prove to be a game changer for you. You have a bright chance to recover in case you have not  done well in F.Sc due to some reasons.
I want to tell you that if you have prepared well in F.Sc, entry test is not an issue for you. What you need to do is to simply: 

  1. Improve your speed by attempting as many MCQs as you can. I would suggest you to solve sample papers and mock tests for the entrance test you are about to take. In this way you can easily judge how much time do you require to attempt the paper. By repeating this practice you can minimize the time you require and estimate which section you should solve first in the test.
  2. I would suggest you to solve the Intelligence section first with a fresh mind and mathematics in the end.
  3. Employ Options Elimination Technique. In every MCQ, there are some options about which you are 100% sure that they are wrong. Eliminate them and think over other options. This increases the probability of getting to the right option.
  4. If unfortunately you are too much confused about some question in paper, take a deep breath and note down every formula you know about that question and recall the topic quickly in your mind. Now look at the question, there are bright chances that you will solve it this time.
  5. Best way to solve the test is go through the test twice; in the first attempt solve the MCQs which are theoretical or involve small calculations. So in this attempt most of your English, IQ, Chemistry, Physics and some part of Mathematics will be solved. Don't give more than 30 secs to any question in this go. If you solve it in about 30 secs, alright, otherwise skip it for 2nd attempt. The questions you think you need to think over, leave them too. Only mark the MCQs you are more than 80% sure to be correct. In the Second attempt you will have lesser number of MCQs, think over them, do calculation. Employ the option elimination technique. And if by all means you fail to solve it, make a calculated guess and mark the option. Don't leave any question un-marked in the second attempt.
  6. Avoid discussing anything with your friends just before the test. It adds to your tension and may make you mentally upset and tensed. Like you have skipped a chapter. Your friend come over to you and says that there were 15 MCQs from that chapter in the last year. Within a fraction of second all your determination will be reduced to zero and you will become mentally upset. So avoid discussion. Go with a peaceful and determined mind.
  7. Have 8 hours sleep prior to you test. It literally makes a lot of difference.
  8. Take the the things you will take with you (mentioned on roll number slip) night before test to avoid last moment rush.
  9. Be determined. Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle. 
  10. Do your best and leave the consequences to Almighty Allah. Your hard work will be rewarded. 

    Ahhh... I literally fall short of words, knowing not what to say when I am asked for "Short-cuts to get admission". I would just say if there is any short-cut to success... please I beg you do tell me that too. If someone is successful, he has worked harder than anyone else to be there where he is. The world envies his success but ignores the 100 failures which he had had before he achieved this glory. The way to prestige is not a bed of roses, its a bed of thorns. I swear it is. 
    I would like to quote some people who became from no one to some one who matters to the world in real sense. 
    1. Colonel Sanders, the founder KFC, was rejected 1009 times before his first chicken was sold. 
    2. Jack Ma, founder and executive chairman of Alibaba group and Richest Man of China, failed the college entrance test exam twice and got rejected form thirty jobs including KFC. 
    3. Who doesn't know Bill Gates, he was a college drop out.
    4. Elon Muskthe founder of SpaceX (Designs, manufactures and launches Air crafts and rockets, awarded by NASA), CEO Tesla Motors(designs, manufactures and sells electric cars, electric vehicle power train components and battery products), Chairman Solar City(American provider for energy services), he lived in the same ware house where he rented his office. He took showers in the locker rooms of a local stadium near his office.  
    5. Soichiro Honda invented a piston which got rejected by Toyota. His company got destroyed in an earthquake. Can you imagine that this man then laid the foundation of  Honda Motor, world largest 2-wheeler manufacturer. 
    I can go on and on quoting such legends. There is no short-cut in life my fellows, there is n't. If you want to achieve glory, you will have to apply yourself to the cause. No pain, No gain.

    Lastly, The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and the determination that whether I win or lose, I have applied the best of myself to the task at hand. Desire is the key to motivation, but it's determination and commitment to an unrelenting pursuit of your goal - a commitment to excellence - that will enable you to attain the success you seek.We all have dreams. But materializing your dreams takes an awful lot of determination, dedication, self-discipline, and effort. As Napoleon Bonaparte said:

    "The truest wisdom is a resolute determination"

    (Talha Rehman)

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